Democracy, Socialism, And Revolution:
the negation of the traditional American family.
(Personal note.)

Dean Gotcher

"The family is one of these social forms which ... cannot be changed without change in the total social framework." (Max Horkheimer, Kritische Theori)

"In order to effect rapid change, . . . [one] must mount a vigorous attack on the family lest the traditions of present generations be preserved. It is necessary, in other words, artificially to create an experiential chasm between parents and children—to insulate the children in order that they can more easily be indoctrinated with new ideas." "If one wishes to mold children in order to achieve some future goal, one must begin to view them as superior. One must teach them not to respect their tradition-bound elders, who are tied to the past and know only what is irrelevant." ". . . any intervention between parent and child tend to produce familial democracy regardless of its intent." "The consequences of family democratization take a long time to make themselves felt—but it would be difficult to reverse the process once begun. … once the parent can in any way imagine his own orientation to be a possible liability to the child in the world approaching." "… Once uncertainty is created in the parent how best to prepare the child for the future, the authoritarian family is moribund, regardless of whatever countermeasures may be taken." "Any non-family-based collectivity that intervenes between parent and child and attempts to regulate and modify the parent-child relationship will have a democratizing impact on that relationship." "The state, by its very interference in the life of its citizens, must necessarily undermine a parental authority which it attempts to restore." "For however much the state or community may wish to inculcate obedience and submission in the child, its intervention betrays a lack of confidence in the only objects from whom a small child can learn authoritarian submission, an overweening interest in the future development of the child—in other words, a child centered orientation." (Warren Bennis, The Temporary Society)

"The child, contrary to appearance, is the absolute, the rationality of the relationship; he is what is enduring and everlasting, the totality which produces itself once again as such [once he is 'liberated' from the father'/Father's authority to become as he was before the father's/Father's first command, rule, fact, or truth came into his life (separating him from his "self" and the world), of (and now for) "self" and the world only]." (Georg Hegel, System of Ethical Life)

Traditional democracy, where the father's/Father's authority is recognized and supported as long as the father recognizes and supports society, i.e., community (which are both socialist, i.e.., generalizing, i.e., nebulous words; "neighborhood" with physical boundaries, being traditional, recognizing the individual in particular, as an individual in and of himself), is different than transformational democracy, i.e., socialist democracy where the father's/Father's authority must be negated in order for the individual and society to become one in thought and action. Rejecting the father's/Father's authority outright, socialist can only see the child progressing from authoritarianism, where the father's/Father's authority "represses" and "alienates" the child, preventing the child from knowing his "self" as he really is, i.e., of the world and society only, through isolation, rebellion, and anarchy, where the child, centered on his "self" and the world only, yet still retaining a "top-down" authority structure (with him in control, i.e., "Do it my way or else.") is unable to find his identity in society (joining or forming a "gang" in order to find identity in an authority figure, who like him resents/hates authority, i.e., being told what he can or can not do that goes against his carnal nature), to socialism, where he, with the "help" of socialists (who are now in control), is able to 'discover' what he has in common with society, i.e., 'discover' his "self" as he is, i.e., of the world and society only. With this being the spectrum of 'change' for the socialist—from authoritarianism, through isolationism, to socialism (from a Patriarchal paradigm or way of thinking and acting, where obeying established commands, rules, facts, and truth becomes the way of life, through a Matriarchal paradigm, where "feelings" are the way of life, to a Heresiarchal paradigm, where continuous 'change' i.e., "self" 'justification before others, becomes the way of life)—the father's/Father's authority system has to be clearly identified in the child (as well as in "the group") in order to "help" him (and "the group"), through social "praxis," i.e., through dialoguing opinions to a consensus with others negate it's effect upon his (and "the groups") thoughts and action. As I will repeat again and again, there is no father's/Father's authority in dialogue, in an opinion, or in the consensus process, there is only the child's carnal nature, i.e., carnal desires ("self interest") of the 'moment, what he has in common with all the other children in "the group," i.e., in society, i.e., in the world, that which is "of the world only."

"God is conceived more directly after a parental image and thus as a source of support and as a guiding and sometimes punishing authority." "The conception of the ideal family situation for the child: (1) uncritical obedience to the father and elders, (2) pressures directed unilaterally from above to below, (3) inhibition of spontaneity, and (4) emphasis on conformity to externally imposed values." "An attitude of complete submissiveness toward 'supernatural forces' and a readiness to accept the essential incomprehensibility of 'many important things' strongly suggest the persistence in the individual of infantile attitudes toward the parents, that is to say, of authoritarian submission in a very pure form." (Theodor Adorno, The Authoritarian Personality)

"Authoritarian submission was conceived of as a very general attitude that would be evoked in relation to a variety of authority figures—parents, older people, leaders, supernatural power, and so forth." "The power—relationship between the parents, the domination of the subject's family by the father or by the mother, and their relative dominance in specific areas of life also seemed of importance for our problem." "A tendency to transmit mainly a set of conventional rules and customs, may be considered as interfering with the development of a clear-cut personal identity in the growing child." (ibid.)

"the central problem is to change reality.… reality with its 'obedience to laws.'" (György Lukács, History & Class Consciousness: What is Orthodox Marxism?)

"The philosophy of praxis [dialogue, i.e., "self" 'justification'] is the absolute secularization of thought, an absolute humanism of history." (Antonio Gramsci, Selections from the Prison Notebooks) In praxis "obedience to laws," i.e., "the problem" is negated. In other words, in dialogue "obedience to law," i.e., "the problem" is resolved.

Theodor Adorno, in error, perceived the traditional family structure as Fascist in structure. Therefore anyone initiating and sustaining a traditional family structure, in Adorno's mind ('logic') was a Fascist or a potentially Fascist. The truth is, socialism in all forms, whether applied locally, nationally, or globally has to destroy the father's authority in the home if it is to initiate and sustain control over "the people." It is actually the father's authority in the home (equating to individualism, under God) that prevents, i.e., inhibits or blocks the formation of socialism. Adorno, unable to see the individual outside of a social(ist) context, was therefore fearful of the fathers turning to the leaders of the nation to rescue them from globalism, creating Fascism in the process. Globalists always label people as Nazis or Fascists (racists) who are trying to rescue the traditional family, i.e., individualism, under God from Globalism, i.e., from their control.

"We are proud that in his conduct of life man has become free from external authorities, which tell him what to do and what not to do." "We may call this new order by the name of democratic socialism but the name does not matter." "All that matters is that the opportunity for genuine activity be restored to the individual; that the purposes of society and of his own become identical." (Erick Fromm, Escape from Freedom)

According to socialists, outside of the context of society the individual has no true ("healthy") identity. Individualism, which is created through the traditional family structure, i.e., the father's authority in the home, with each child treated as an individual, i.e., personally held accountable for his or her actions, with all children having to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline their "self" in order to do right and not wrong according to the father's established commands, rules, facts, and truth is antithetical to socialism, where all children are the same, i.e., "equal" according to their carnal nature, i.e., their love of pleasure and hate of restraint, i.e., their praxis of "self" 'justification' (what all children have in common—which is the basis of "common-ism").

"It is not individualism [the child having to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline his "self" in order to do right and not wrong according to the father's/Father's established commands, rules, facts, and truth, having to stand alone against "the group" when they are doing wrong, disobeying, sinning, i.e., "lusting"] that fulfills the individual, on the contrary it destroys him [makes him "neurotic"—caught between doing the father's/Father's will and doing his own will instead, when his will, i.e., his carnal desires ("lusts") of the 'moment,' and his father's/Father's will, i.e., doing right and not wrong according to established commands, rules, facts, and truth are in conflict with one another]. Society ["human relationship based upon self interest," i.e., "building relationship" with others, based upon the child's carnal desires, i.e., one's "self interest," i.e., finding one's identity, i.e., "self" in the other, i.e., in "the group," i.e., in society] is the necessary framework through which freedom [from the father's/Father's authority] and individuality [to be "of and for self" and the world only] are made realities." (Karl Marx, in John Lewis, The Life and Teachings of Karl Marx)

The real nature of man is the totality of social relations." (Karl Marx, Thesis on Feuerbach #6)

"In Escape from Freedom, Fromm offered the sado-masochistic character as the core of the authoritarian personality." "The antithesis of the 'authoritarian' type was called 'revolutionary.'" "By The Authoritarian Personality 'revolutionary' had changed to the 'democratic.'" "As the Frankfurt School [Theodor Adorno, Erich Fromm, etc., including Kurt Lewin who edited their newspaper] wrestled with how to 'reinvigorate Marx', they 'found the missing link in Freud.'" (Martin Jay, The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute of Social Research, 1923-1950)

According to socialists (and psychologists) it is the father's authority in the home that not only engenders "repression," where the children, having to obey the father against their will can not be their "self," but engenders "alienation" as well, since the children are prevented from (and even punished for) 'discovering' common ground with other children who think and act contrary to the father's commands, rules, facts, and truth, if allowed would result in the children questioning, challenging, defying, disregarding, attacking him and authority when they get home. By the father requiring the children to do his will against their will (according to socialists, an act of sadism by the father) and the children accepting the father's authority (according to the socialist, an act of masochism by the children), the only pathway to "health" for the children, according to socialists and psychologists is to 'liberate' the children from the father's authority (system). According to Fromm, this required the children to become 'revolutionary' in their action—questioning, challenging, defying, disregarding, attacking the father and his authority, i.e., his established commands, rules, facts, and truth. With the work of Adorno, at Berkley, and other members of the Frankfurt School across the nation, training up 'revolutionary' minded students and professors in our Universities, the "democratic" party was infiltrated by 'revolutionaries' in the 60's. Ronald Reagan in response to this 'revolutionary' (Marxist) takeover of the "democratic" party, which in the past tended to be more tradition family friendly (I am being generous here), stated: "I didn't leave the democratic party, the democratic party left me." In fact may democrats, still traditional family based (I am being generous here again) are confused with their leadership who espouse hatred toward the nation (nationalism)—equating it to Fascism (racism) and those 'loyal' to it as Fascist (racist).

"Human consciousness can be liberated from the parental (Oedipal) complex only be being liberated from its cultural derivatives, the paternalistic state and the patriarchal God." "The abolition of repression would only threaten patriarchal domination." (Norman O. Brown, Life Against Death: The Psychoanalytical Meaning of History)

"Concerning the changing of circumstances by men, the educator must himself be educated. The changing of circumstances and of self can only be grasped and rationally understood as revolutionary practice." (Karl Marx, Thesis on Feuerbach # 3)

"Once the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the heavenly [Holy] family, the former must be destroyed [Vernunft, annihilated (negated)] in theory and in practice." (Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis # 4) Breaking it down: "Once the earthly family [with children having to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline their "self" in order (as in "old" world order) to do the father's will, i.e., in order to do right and not wrong according to the father's established commands, rules, facts, and truth] is discovered to be the secret of the Holy family [with the Son humbling, denying, dying to, controlling, disciplining his "self" in order to do the Father's will, i.e., in order to do right and not wrong according to the Father's established commands, rules, facts, and truth], the former [the earthly father's authority, i.e., the system itself with children having to trust in (have faith in) and obey the father (their parents), their teacher, the laws of the land, etc.,] must then itself be destroyed [vernichtet, i.e., annihilated, i.e., negated] in theory and in practice [in the children's thoughts as well as in their actions—resulting in children no longer "fellowshipping" with one another based upon the father's/Father's (their parents/God's) commands, rules, facts, and truth but, through dialogue, "building relationship" with one another based upon their carnal nature, i.e., their carnal desires, i.e., their "self interests," i.e., their "lusts" of the 'moment,' 'creating' a "new" world order of "lawfulness without law," i.e., "lawlessness" where the child's carnal nature rules without parental restraint]." (Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #4)

Psychology is based upon the children's "hatred against patriarchal suppression—a 'barrier to incest,' ... the desire (for the sons) to return to the motherculminat[ing] in the rebellion of the exiled sons, the collective killing and devouring of the father," "'It is not really a decisive matter whether one has killed one's father or abstained from the deed,' if the function of the conflict and its consequences are the same [there is no longer a father's/Father's authority in the family]." (Sigmund Freud in Herbert Marcuse, Eros and Civilization: a psychological inquiry into Freud)

There is no father's/Father's authority in dialogue, in an opinion, or in the consensus process, there is only the carnal nature of the child, i.e., the child's carnal desires ("self interest") of the 'moment' which the world stimulates, and his resentment toward restraint, i.e., his hate of the father's/Father's authority that gets in the way of pleasure. When you bring the father, the mother, and the children together in dialogue, the father's authority is negated for the sake of "relationship" between the children and the parents—when you focus on the family the father's authority is negated in the home.

"To enjoy the present reconciles us to the actual." (Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel's 'Philosophy of Right') In other words, Karl Marx is saying: "Lust" "reconciles us to" "the world." For Marx, if pleasure ("lust") is the 'drive' and the 'purpose' of life, then negating the father's/Father's authority, which gets in the way of pleasure, must take place.

"Freud and Hegel are, like Marx, compelled to postulate external domination and its assertion by force in order to explain repression." "Capitulation enforced by parental authority under the threat of loss of parental love . . . can be accomplished only by repression." "Eros is fundamentally a desire for union with objects in the world. Eros is the foundation of morality." "The individual is emancipated ['liberated from the Father's authority] in the social group [his lose of love (approval) by the Father is replaced with love (approval) by society]." (Brown, Life Against Death:)

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways, the objective however, is change." (Karl Marx, Feuerbach Thesis #11) Inscribed on Karl Marx's tomb.

All children are "philosophers," 1) dissatisfied with how the world "Is," where they, having to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline their "self" in order to do right and not wrong according to established commands, rules, facts, and truth are subject to their parent's authority, not being able to do what they want when they want, 2) thinking (dialoguing with their "self") aka imagining how the world "Ought" to be, where they can do what they want, when the want, and 3) how it "Can" be once the father's/Father's authority is no longer in their way. The problem, according to Karl Marx, et, al, is that once children grow up and have children of their own they tell (force) their children to do right and not wrong according to their established commands, rules, facts, and truth, telling them what they can and can not do, getting in their way, i.e., preventing them from "lusting" after the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' which the world stimulates, i.e., preventing them from being (becoming) their "self," i.e., preventing 'change.' Without creating a world of dialogue, the child, privately dialoguing within (with) his "self" his love of pleasure and hate of restraint (out of fear of being judged, chastened, condemned, and/or cast out) will remain forever "repressed" by the father's/Father's authority system—since he is not strong enough, by his "self' to overthrow the father/Father and his/His authority system.

"The life which he [the child] has given to the object [to the parents and therefore to God—when the child humbles, denies, dies to, disciplines, controls his "self" (stops dialoguing with his "self," i.e., stops "murmuring") in order to do the father's/Father's will] sets itself against him as an alien and hostile force [gets in the way of his carnal nature, i.e., doing what he wants, when he wants, creating in him a guilty conscience when he does wrong, disobeys, sins, i.e., "lusts"—without the "murmuring," i.e., the "self" 'justification, i.e., the dialogue the guilty conscience appears (for doing wrong, disobeying, sinning, i.e., for "lusting," i.e., for being "human"]." (Karl Marx, MEGA I/3)

The child (children), not being strong enough to beat up ("kill," i.e., negate) the father (when he can not get in his way), out of fear of rejection and "death," submits to the father's/Father's authority system instead, in doing so, according to Karl Marx, 'creating' the father's/Father's authority (system). Therefore it "takes a village" ("the group"), someone out side to "help" beat up ("kill," i.e., negate), i.e., "bully" the father for the child's sake, "helping" the child via his classroom experience (martyring the "authoritarians," i.e., those students who are "negative," i.e., who are sympathetic to and promoting the father's/Father's authority system in the classroom) to 'liberate' his "self" from the father's/Father's authority system in his thoughts and in his actions. In doing so the child's "ought" (the way the world "ought" to be) becomes the "Is" of the "new" world order ("It is all in how you define 'Is'"), where his "feelings" of the 'moment,' not established commands, rules, facts, and truth direct his (and societies, i.e., "the groups") thoughts and actions.

"We have to study the conditions which maximize ought-perceptiveness." "Oughtiness is itself a fact to be perceived." "If we wish to permit the facts to tell us their oughtiness, we must learn to listen to them in a very specific way which can be called Taoistic ["sense experienced"]." (Abraham Maslow, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature)

It is here that education, i.e., the child's classroom experience comes into play. All teachers are certified and schools accredited today by their use of what are called "Blooms' Taxonomies" as their curriculum in the classroom. Bloom's writes that his world view, i.e., "weltanschauung" for his "taxonomy" was that of two Marxists, "Erich Fromm" and "T. W. Adorno"—although he does not bother to (come out and) inform the teachers (or parents) that they are Marxists. (David Krathwohl, Benjamin Bloom, etc. Taxonomy of Educational Objective Book 2 Affective Domain) Benjamin Bloom dedicated his first "taxonomy," Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain to Ralph Tyler.

"The school can also continue its long-accepted role of providing within its environment a democratic society closer to the ideal than the adult community has yet been able to achieve. It can provide a setting in which young people can experience concretely the meaning of our democratic ideals. It is crucially important for children to see firsthand a society that encourages and supports democratic values." "Educational philosophies in a democratic society are likely to emphasize strongly democratic values. These four values are: 1) The importance of every human being. 2) Opportunity for wide participation in social groups in society. 3) Encouragement of variability of life styles. 4) Faith in intelligence rather than authority." "Should the school develop young people to fit into the present society as it is or does the school have a revolutionary mission to develop young people who will seek to improve the society?" Perhaps a modern school would include in its statement [that] it believes that the high ideals of a good society are not adequately realized in our present society and that through the education of young people it hopes to improve society." (Ralph W. Tyler, "Achievement Testing and Curriculum Construction," Trends in Student Personnel Work)

"Bloom's Taxonomies" are "a psychological classification system." "Members of the taxonomy group spent considerable time in attempting to find a psychological theory which would provide a sound basis for ordering the categories of the taxonomy [they found that "psychological" theory in the Frankfurt School, who merged Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud, i.e., Marxism and psychology]." "It was the view of the group that educational objectives stated in the behavior form have their counterparts in the behavior of individuals, observable and describable therefore classifiable [true science defines laws as "observable and repeatable," not "observable and describable"]." "Only those educational programs which can be specified in terms of intended student behaviors can be classified." "What we are classifying is the intended behavior of students—the ways in which individuals are to act, think, or feel as the result of participating in some unit of instruction." "Obedience and compliance are hardly ideal goals." "The student must feel free to say he disliked _____ and not have to worry about being punished for his reaction." "We recognize the point of view that truth and knowledge are only relative and that there are no hard and fast truths which exist for all time and places." (Benjamin Bloom, et al., Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1, Cognitive Domain) Karl Marx (who Benjamin Bloom paraphrased above) wrote: "In the eyes of the dialectical philosophy, nothing is established for all time, nothing is absolute or sacred."

"Bloom's Taxonomies" are all about "ordering" "different kinds of affective behavior," i.e., "the range of emotion(s)" "organized into value systems and philosophies of life." "In fact, a large part of what we call 'good teaching' is the teacher's ability to attain affective objectives through challenging the student's fixed beliefs and getting them to discuss issues." "The affective domain is, in retrospect, a virtual 'Pandora's Box." "The major impact of the new program is to develop attitudes and values toward learning which are not shared by the parents." (David Krathwohl, Benjamin Bloom, etc. Taxonomy of Educational Objective Book 2 Affective Domain)

"There are many stores of the conflict and tension that these new practices are producing between parents and children." (ibid.)

The "educator" does not have to tell the students to question, challenge, defy, disregard, attack their parent's authority when they get home from school, if they were not doing that already (telling them would be "old school," maintaining the "old" world order of being told even if it was done for the 'purpose' of 'change,' i.e., for the 'purpose' of creating a "new" world order), all they have to do is use a curriculum in the classroom that "encourages," i.e., pressures the students to participate in the process of 'change,' i.e., into dialoguing their opinions to a consensus, 'justifying' their carnal nature over and therefore against their parents authority. Being told to be "positive" (supportive of the other students carnal nature) and not "negative" (judging them by their parents standards) pressures students to 'justify' their and the other students love of pleasure and hate of restrain, doing so in order to be approved, i.e., affirmed by "the group," resulting in "the group" labeling those students who, holding onto their parents standards, i.e., refusing to participate in the process of 'change' or fighting against it as being "negative," divisive, hateful, intolerant, maladjusted, unadaptable to 'change,' resisters of 'change,' not "team players," lower order thinkers, in denial, phobic, prejudiced, judgmental, racist, fascist, dictators, anti-social, etc., i.e., "hurting" peoples "feelings" resulting in "the group" rejecting them—the student's natural desire for approval and fear of rejection forces him to participate.

"Revolutionary violence [overthrowing (negating or annihilating) parental authority, i.e., the father's/Father's authority system] reconciles the disunited parties by abolishing the alienation of class antagonism [resulting from the parents distinguishing which child can do what, and when, limiting all to their (the parent's) authority, i.e., to their commands, rules, facts, and truth, repressing, i.e., inhibiting or blocking the child from satisfying his desires of the 'moment'] that set in with the repression of initial morality [the child's carnal nature, what he has in common with all the children of the world]. … the revolution that must occur is the reaction of suppressed life, which will visit the causality of fate upon the rulers. It is those who establish such domination and defend positions of power of this sort who set in motion the causality of fate, divide society into social classes, suppress justified interests, call forth the reactions of suppressed life, and finally experience their just fate in revolution. " (Jürgen Habermas, Knowledge & Human Interest, Chapter Three: The Idea of the Theory of Knowledge as Social Theory)

"... consciousness must develop a dialectical contradiction between its immediate interests and its long-term objectives, …Only when the immediate interests [the child's "self interests"] are integrated into a total view [affirmed by others through the dialogue of everyone's opinions to a consensus, to an agreement by all based upon common "feelings"] and related to the final goal of the process [the overthrow (negation) of parental authority, i.e., children "perceiving" their parent's commands, rules, facts, and truth as being "irrational" in the 'changing' times and therefore "irrelevant" to them)] do they become revolutionary," "Marx sees … consciousness as 'practical critical activity' [critical means violent, i.e., desperate reaction] with the task of 'changing the world'." (Lukács, History & Class Consciousness)

"In the dialogic relation of recognizing oneself in the other, they experience the common ground of their existence." (Habermas, Knowledge & Human Interest)

It is in dialogue children discover their commonality with one another, i.e., their common "self interests" in each other, 'justifying' their "self," i.e., "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life," i.e., what which they all have in common, i.e., that which is "of the world" only. "Lust" becomes manifest when dialogue is brought into the realm of discussion (right and wrong), establishing "self," i.e., love of pleasure over and therefore against established commands, rules, facts, and truth, i.e., the father's/Father's authority, i.e., doing the father's/Father's will. Consensus, i.e., affirmation, i.e., "group hug," i.e., social identity seals the deal.

"Bypassing the traditional channels of top-down decision making, our objective centers upon transforming public opinion into an effective instrument of global politics." "Individual values must be measured by their contribution to common interests and ultimately to world interests transforming public consensus into one favorable to the emergence of a stable and humanistic world order." "Consensus is both a personal and a political step. It is a precondition of all future steps." (Ervin Laszlo, A Strategy for the Future: The Systems Approach to World Order)

"Third-Force psychology is also epi-Marxian in these senses, i.e., including the most basic scheme as true-good social conditions [an environment void of the father's/Father's authority where children can "actualize" their "self" without fear of judgment or condemnation] are necessary for personal growth, bad social conditions [where children have to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline their "self" in order to do the father's/Father's aka their parents will] stunt human nature,... This is to say, one could reinterpret Marx into a self-actualization-fostering Third- and Fourth-Force psychology-philosophy. And my impression is anyway that this is the direction in which they are going now." "The whole discussion becomes species-wide, One World, at least so far as the guiding goal is concerned. To get to that goal is politics & is in time and space & will take a long time & cost much blood." ". . . A caretaker government could immediately start training for democracy & self-government & give it little by little, as deserved." "This is a realistic combination of the Marxian version & the Humanistic. (Better add to definition of "humanistic" that it also means one species, One World.) (Abraham Maslow, The Journals of Abraham Maslow)

"An examination of the role of education in the revolutionary processes in Hitlerian Germany and Soviet Russia demonstrates that a new controlling group can use the educational system to advantage to bringing about the changes it desires. This illustrates the effectiveness of the educational system in indoctrinating the youth with a desire for the type of society wanted by those in control. . . . To do this they must persist in the maintenance of a new system long enough for controlling interests to be thoroughly indoctrinated in the new social system." (Wilbur Brookover, A Sociology of Education)

"The child takes on the characteristic behavior of the group in which he is placed. . . . he reflects the behavior patterns [paradigm] which are set by the adult leader of the group." (Kurt Lewin in Wilbur Brookover, A Sociology of Education)

"Change in methods of leadership is probably the quickest way to bring about a change in the cultural atmosphere of a group." "Any real change of the culture [paradigm] of a group is, therefore, interwoven with the changes of the power constellation within the group." (Barker, Dembo, & Lewin, "frustration and regression: an experiment with young children" in Child Behavior and Development)

"The individual accepts the new system of values and beliefs by accepting belongingness to the group." (Kurt Lewin in Kenneth Bennie, Human Relations in Curriculum Change)

"Changing a group atmosphere from autocracy toward democracy through a democratic leadership means that the autocratic followers must shift toward a genuine acceptance of the role of democratic followers." "To change a group atmosphere toward democracy the democratic leader has to be in power and has to use his power for active re-education." "The more the group members become converted to democracy the more can the power of the democratic leader shift to other ends than converting the group members." "A change in the curriculum is a change in the people concerned—in teachers, in students, in parents ....." "Curriculum change means that the group involved must shift its approval from the old to some new set of reciprocal behavior patterns." "... people involved who were loyal to the older pattern [paradigm] must be helped to transfer their allegiance to the new." "Re-education aims to change the system of values and beliefs [paradigm] of an individual or a group." (Benne, Human Relations)

"To create effectively a new set of attitudes and values [paradigm], the individual must undergo great reorganization of his personal beliefs and attitudes and he must be involved in an environment which in many ways is separated from the previous environment in which he was developed." "...many of these changes are produced by association with peers who have less authoritarian points of view, as well as through the impact of a great many courses of study in which the authoritarian pattern is in some ways brought into question while more rational and nonauthoritarian behaviors are emphasized." (Book 2: Affective Domain)

"I have found whenever I ran across authoritarian students that the best thing for me to do was to break their backs immediately." "The correct thing to do with authoritarians is to take them realistically for the bastards they are and then behave toward them as if they were bastards." (Abraham Maslow, Maslow on Management)

"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2:16

"And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God." Luke 16:15

"The heart is deceitful above all things [thinking pleasure, i.e., "self interest" is the standard for "good" instead of doing the father's/Father's will, i.e., having to set aside your carnal desires of the 'moment,' i.e., having to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline your "self" in order (as in "old" world order) to do the father's/Father's will, i.e., in order to do right and not wrong according the father's/Father's established commands, rules, facts, and truth], and desperately wicked [hating the father's/Father's authority that "gets in the way," i.e. that prevents, i.e., inhibits or blocks you from enjoying the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' that the world stimulates]: who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9

You can not see your hate of restraint as being evil, i.e., "wicked" because your love of pleasure, i.e., your "self interest," is in the way, blinding you to it. Like a drug, pleasure (dopamine emancipation), i.e., "self interest" which the world stimulates blinds you to your hatred toward restraint, i.e., blinds you to your "wickedness" which is being expressed toward those who are preventing (or trying to prevent) you from having access to the drug, i.e., to pleasure (dopamine emancipation) when you are doing wrong, disobeying, sinning—making you not just wicked but "desperately wicked" in your effort to attain it, keep it, or get it back. In the praxis of the dialoguing of opinions to a consensus process, you not only become intoxicated with, but addicted to and possessed by your "self" being 'justified' by others, with you then 'justifying' them, affirming your and their carnal nature, i.e., "self interests" over and therefore against the father's/Father's authority, i.e., knowing right from not wrong by being told.

"'fusion-words' . . . to solve the 'is' and 'ought' problem." "After all that's not so bad. It's really quite human . . ." "The more 'is' something becomes [the more the parent demands obedience], the more 'ought' it becomes [the more the child wants his way (when he continues to dialogue with his "self," i.e., 'justify' his "self"], the louder it 'calls for' particular action [the more the child looks for ways to escape obedience, i.e. justify disobedience, i.e., violance]." (Abraham Maslow, The Farther Reaches of Human Nature) By using "fusion words" the child's desires and resentment are brought to the surface, 'justifying' his reaction against authority, i.e., against restraint, 'justifying' his hate (violent hate, i.e., 'revolution').

Whoever defines terms for you, controls your life. By redefining terms, using "con-fusion" words (merging "is," i.e., the truth with "ought," i.e., your "lusts," making the truth, what "is," subject to your "lusts," i.e., your opinion, i.e., your "self interest"), revolutionaries have overtaken the democratic party, making it subject to their globalist agenda ('creating' a "new" world order as they think it "ought" to be, subject to the child's carnal nature and their manipulation of it), negating the father's/Father's authority (the world that "is") in the thoughts and actions of the children so they can do wrong, disobey, sin ("lust") without having a guilty conscience, i.e., so they can do wrong, disobey, sin ("lust") with impunity, i.e., with "the groups," i.e., "the peoples" affirmation. By simply redefining "the lust of the flesh," "the lust of the eyes," "the pride of life," and "all that is of the world" as "sensuous needs," "sense perception," "sense experience," and "only that which of Nature," Karl Marx made "lust," i.e., "human nature" the 'drive' of life and the 'liberation' of it from the father's/Father's authority the 'purpose,' 'justifying' the negation of anyone (including the unborn, elderly, innocent, and righteous) who got in the way. By redefining "lust" as "enjoying the present" and "only that which is of the world" as "actual" Karl Marx made "reconciliation" between man and the world the agenda of life, negating reconciliation between God and man. By redefining "desperately wicked" as "Critical Criticism," aka "critical theory" and "critical thinking" Karl Marx made human behavior, i.e., the child's action subject to the child's heart, i.e., "lusting" after pleasure, hating restraint, i.e., hating the father's/Father's authority, negating the guilty conscience which the father's/Father's authority engenders, so he can do wrong, disobey, sin ("lust"), doing unconscionable (violent) things against those who get in his way. This is what dialogue does, even in the "church," making what "is," i.e., the Father authority, i.e., God's Word subject to our "ought," i.e., our carnal nature, i.e., our "lust," making us one (in consensus) according to what we all have in common, our "human nature."

"The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes. For he flattereth himself in his own eyes, until his iniquity be found to be hateful. The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit: he hath left off to be wise, and to do good. He deviseth mischief upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil." Psalms 36:1-4

"For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables." 2 Timothy 4:3, 4

Facilitators of 'change,' i.e., psychologists, i.e., behavioral "scientists," i.e., "group psychotherapists," i.e., Marxists (Transformational Marxists)—all being the same in method or formula—are using the dialoguing of opinions to a consensus (affirmation) process, i.e., dialectic 'reasoning' ('reasoning' from/through the students "feelings" of the 'moment,' i.e., from/through their "lust" for pleasure and their hate of restraint, in the "light" of their desire for group approval, i.e., affirmation and fear of group rejection) in the "group grade," "safe zone/space/place," "Don't be negative, be positive," soviet style, brainwashing (washing the father's/Father's authority from the children's thoughts and actions, i.e., "theory and practice," negating their having a guilty conscience, which the father's/father's authority engenders, for doing wrong, disobeying, sinning in the process—called "the negation of negation" since the father's/Father's authority and the guilty conscience, being negative to the child's carnal nature, is negated in dialogue—in dialogue, opinion, and the consensus process there is no father's/Father's authority), inductive 'reasoning' ('reasoning' from/through the students "feelings," i.e., their natural inclination to "lust" after the carnal pleasures of the 'moment'—dopamine emancipation—which the world stimulates, i.e., their "self interest," i.e., their "sense experience," selecting "appropriate information"—excluding, ignoring, or resisting, i.e., rejecting any "inappropriate" information, i.e., established command, rule, fact, or truth that gets in the way of their desired outcome, i.e., pleasure—in determining right from wrong behavior), "Bloom's Taxonomy," "affective domain," French Revolution (Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité) classroom "environment" in order (as in "new" world order) to 'liberate' children from parental authority, i.e., from the father's/Father's authority system (the Patriarchal Paradigm)—seducing, deceiving, and manipulating them as chickens, rats, and dogs, i.e., treating them as natural resource ("human resource") in order to convert them into 'liberals,' socialists, globalists, so they, 'justifying' their "self" before one another, can do wrong, disobey, sin, i.e., "lust" with impunity.

"Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein. Also I set watchmen over you, saying, Hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken." Jeremiah 6:16, 17

Home schooling material, co-ops, conferences, etc., are joining in the same praxis, fulfilling Immanuel Kant's as well as Georg Hegel's, Karl Marx's, and Sigmund Freud's agenda of using the pattern or method of Genesis 3:1-6, i.e., "self" 'justification,' i.e., dialectic (dialogue) 'reasoning," i.e., 'reasoning' from/through your "feelings," i.e., your carnal desires of the 'moment' which are being stimulated by the world (including your desire for approval from others, with them affirming your carnal nature) in order to negate Hebrews 12:5-11, i.e., the father's/Father's authority, i.e., having to humble, deny, die to, control, discipline your "self" in order to do the father's/Father's will, negating Romans 7:14-25, i.e., your having a guilty conscience when you do wrong, disobey, sin, thereby negating your having to repent before the father/Father for your doing wrong, disobedience, sins—which is the real agenda.

"And for this cause [because men, as "children of disobedience," 'justify' their "self," i.e., 'justify' their love of "self" and the world, i.e., their love of the carnal pleasures of the 'moment' (dopamine emancipation) which the world stimulates over and therefore against the Father's authority] God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie [that pleasure is the standard for "good" instead of doing the Father's will]: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth [in the Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ], but had pleasure in unrighteousness [in their "self" and the pleasures of the 'moment,' which the world stimulates]." 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2020